My First Ever somewhat presentable game EVER!

Good day everyone~

I finally made a post-able game that i can tell people to play(it took waaay too much time )

I have made games by watching tutorials before but  this was the first game that i was confident enough to post ,mainly because i made it completely on my own with small help from my friends ,a huge thank you to them if they read this
i made all the  background music and pixel "art" myself ,"art" if you can even call that i guess ,i hope it is bearable to look at :)

Also game developers out there , do you all double-triple check your game before you hit build even if you checked it before ,is it normal to be a little paranoid? i legit took 5 minutes almost thought of scrapping the release but here we are 

Anyways here's a start to my game development journey !

I am going to move on to next project ,this game might get an update later down the line ? a very slim chance but i can already see some improvements in it as i write this log XD ,thank you very much to anyone who bother to read this ,you are awesome

i hope you have a lovely day~

Files 29 MB
24 days ago

Get OneInOneMillion

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